The AZEMAD stick bags were carefully developed to offer the best protection and ease of transportation possible. A lightweight stick bag as an all useful item, that can hold up to two units, to correctly carry the main playing instrument. An adjustable shoulder strap allows for a comfortable transport to any athlete. These bags insure your stick the best protection conditions, avoiding external deterioration causes such as sun exposure, humidity, water as well as small shocks, that can affect the wood´s durability. So, this bag is an overlooked piece of equipment that can make a world of difference, when it comes to up keeping the stick´s durability, by protecting the model´s ergonomics and wood as much as possible. A lot of times, low durability is directly linked to negligence in transportation and storing, causing wood to lose its natural characteristics over time.
Saco Sticks Azemad – 2 sticks
18,50 €
The AZEMAD stick bags were carefully developed to offer the best protection and ease of transportation possible. A lightweight stick bag as an all useful item, that can hold up to two units, to correctly carry the main playing instrument. An adjustable shoulder strap allows for a comfortable transport to any athlete. These bags insure your stick the best protection conditions, avoiding external deterioration causes such as sun exposure, humidity, water as well as small shocks, that can affect the wood´s durability. So, this bag is an overlooked piece of equipment that can make a world of difference, when it comes to up keeping the stick´s durability, by protecting the model´s ergonomics and wood as much as possible. A lot of times, low durability is directly linked to negligence in transportation and storing, causing wood to lose its natural characteristics over time.